Service on Saturday, February 24 will be held at the Prosper campus (2000 W Prosper Trail). We will not meet at Frisco East or stream this service online.

Project Serve

Impacting your own community.

Project serve: Sock Drive

At our Christmas Eve services, we want to provide as many socks as possible for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Our neighbors on the streets lack shelter and are out in the wet and cold weather. Together, we can provide compassion and help restore dignity to a population that is often forgotten. To participate, all you have to do is pick up a package of new socks and bring them to any of our Christmas Eve services! You can also shop online from our Amazon wishlist and have them sent directly to Hope. Let’s let these individuals know this holiday season that they matter and have not been forgotten!

Pop Up Project Serve: Sock Rolling

Now that hundred's of socks have been collected from the Christmas Eve services at all the campuses, it's SOCK ROLLING TIME!!!!!! Join us at our Frisco West Campus on Friday, January 24 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM to roll all of the socks and prep them for pickup. Hope is donating all of the socks to Streetside Showers, and it is super helpful if they are rolled and ready to be handed out to those in need. Space is limited. All ages are welcome and Kids Ministry will not be provided.


Project Serve is a great way to give back to the communities we live in. Each one is designed for Hope to corporately serve others in our church, community, and even our world! Along the way, our prayer is that we each discover how God can use us to serve others in the simplest of ways.
We invite you to serve in our community with your family, home group or individually. Our Project Serve events take place quarterly throughout the year. 

why wait?

There are numerous ministry partners you can get involved with any time of year. See our list of trusted partners below and start serving today!